(449) 273 4847
(449) 273 4847
The demand for zero defects from customers and just-in-time supply chains creates the need to address quality issues to ensure production.
The demand for zero defects from customers and just-in-time supply chains creates the need to manage quality issues effectively to ensure production.
Our quality inspectors handle reworking the parts, ensuring that any defects are corrected to achieve certification for each one, thereby reducing the level of scrap generated from production.
Pre-production audits: The purpose is to provide objective evidence that all engineering, design requirements, and specifications are properly extended, explained, verified, and safeguarded. It involves a thorough, independent, and documented physical and functional inspection process to ensure that the prescribed production methods have resulted in an acceptable product.
During production audits: The purpose is to verify the product at the beginning of the production process and ensure it meets customer standards. As production continues, any defects can be addressed to reduce the defect rate for the remainder of the production.
Pre-shipment audits: The purpose is to verify using specific criteria based on the style, function, specifications, and other important information for each product.
Our Resident Engineer service is designed to assign a trained and pre-qualified engineer to your plant under an extended contract. This provides you with the field support, project management, or consulting expertise you need to succeed, without the disruptions and costs associated with hiring permanent new staff.